At Pronid, we are able to find the best IT strategy for our clients to achieve their business goals in challenging market conditions and with exponential growth of information technology. We take into account a variety of factors that impact or will impact the effectiveness of our clients’ business operations. Our goal is an innovative long-term IT development strategy for your business.
We offer consulting services where we help you evaluate various technological strategies and align your technology strategy with your business or process strategies. The service covers several operations: strategic planning to assess your IT needs and design plans for system implementation; architectural planning that combines strategic plans and knowledge of emerging technologies to create a logical system design and supporting infrastructure that meets your requirements and needs; operational or comparative evaluation where we assess the performance and capacity of the client’s IT environment compared to the proposed system; and implementation planning where we assist with the deployment and testing of new solutions.
As part of our consulting solutions, we conduct an analysis where our employees examine your existing information solutions and the ways your employees use them, and identify bottlenecks in your workflows. We then determine a strategy in which we design a plan that will help your company leverage the latest technologies and relieve your existing infrastructure. Based on the needs and goals set within the strategy, we create a plan to establish a new information infrastructure or upgrade existing information infrastructure